Melody Music will let you listen to your favourite songs easily. And it also can recommend new trending songs and videos for you.
- Millions of free music
- Search for songs and videos
- Recommendation can help you get the songs you like
- You are able to browse and add songs to your local favorites
- Unlimited music, top artists and albums
Melody Music, best free music apps ever! So download it and enjoy! ☀️
- 数百万的免费音乐
- 搜索歌曲和视频
- 推荐可以帮助您获得您喜欢的歌曲
- 您可以浏览并添加歌曲到您当地的收藏夹
- 无限量的音乐,顶级艺术家和专辑
旋律音乐,有史以来最好的免费音乐应用!所以下载并享受! ☀️